How fast can Axiom Funding Solutions provide my Inventory Firm with capital?

After you’ve submitted your application, you should receive a very prompt approval, as well as an offer. We are privileged to serve a roster of clients that is both diverse and esteemed. You can get your business funded in 24 to 48 hours with the proper submission of documents. If additional verification is needed and supplied in a timely manner, we will have everything handled within 5 business days.

Why do Inventory Firms select business funding from the Axiom Funding Solutions?

Axiom Funding Solutions has the most convenient terms and rates, which allow us to successfully get the business funding for your inventory business. We can provide the capital that you need on very flexible terms that fit your needs. Our long list of satisfied customers give us the responsibility of handling any business funding for inventory business requests in the United States. We work hard to ensure your success as a business owner, so you can succeed as well.

Business Funding For Inventory Companies

The Axiom Funding Solutions knows that Inventory companies face unique challenges not found in other industries. Inventory companies are subject to multiple concerns when it comes to business funding and working capital. Inventory companies often require more funding than other types of companies. Lack of adequate funding can negatively affect an Inventory company’s cash flow and bottom line. Business funding for Inventory firms is so important. Without adequate cash flow, Inventory companies are unable to invest in their futures and must cut essential operations or even close their doors. Inventory companies have more potential funding options than other types of businesses. While traditional lenders are one option, inventory companies have other funding options that are even better suited to their specific needs. Axiom financing sources can be better suited to the needs of an inventory firm than traditional lenders. Inventory company’s unique funding needs can be a great opportunity for alternative lenders. The Axiom Funding Solutions is a leading alternative lender specializing in business funding for inventory companies.

Who can provide business funding for the Inventory industry?

Axiom funding Group can be the solution when traditional lending is not a viable option. If you need financing but don’t fit the norms, an alternative lender may be the solution for your business’s cash flow needs. Because we have a broad network of lenders, our experts can help you get the capital you need in days rather than weeks or months. We have access to more relationship capital than traditional lenders and can help you through a more comprehensive qualification process with better terms and lower rates.

What is required for my Inventory firm to receive business funding?

In order to receive a business loan to increase the capital of your inventory business firm, the borrower must be a one-year-old corporation with revenues of $90,000 or $7,500 a month for the past three months.

Why does the Inventory business industry always choose Axiom Funding Solutions for Business Funding?

Up to $2,000,000

Repayment Daily or Weekly

1 - 24 Month Terms

Minimum requirements

To qualify for an advance, your business needs to be atleast a year old. You should have revenues of $90,000 annually or $7,500 per month over the last three months.


Axiom Funding Solutions is the best! They understood all of our needs, helped us get out of a bad situation, and gave us the business funding for our inventory business we needed in no time at all. Excellent funding service!
Axiom Funding Solutions helped us step over our credit blemish and gave us the cash we needed to get back on track. We had a fantastic business idea that we thought would really do well, but the bank just wouldn’t help! But Axiom Funding Solutions came through and gave us the financing we needed to make it happen!
Axiom Funding Solutions has been a blessing to my business! They were able to get us the funding we needed quickly, and took away all of our worries. We went from being stressed about paydays and payroll to being happy knowing our business is secure. Their staff is amazing and so helpful! I would definitely recommend them for business funding for inventory businesses like ours!

Get answers to questions from our other clients

Our online application is easy and quick. After submitting it to us, we will maximize your business requirements, in a highly competitive business environment. We offer you the best axiom funding plan, with minimal documentation, tailored to your unique needs. We analyze your financial documents and impart the culture of a competitive business environment.

We pride ourselves in funding your business needs in the shortest time possible, usually with the same day. The time it takes to get a business funding decision is generally 24-48 hours.

There are no fees and no obligations if you submit the application for business funding. The Axiom Funding Solutions will review your application with our funding providers and if funding meets their guidelines and the alternative business funding meets the requirements of your business, the funding will be offered to you.

Yes! We understand that unforeseen issues can negatively interrupt cash flow and hinder the growth of your business. Our business funding team is here to help you get back on track toward your business’s success.

*Due to differing bank policies, it can take several business days before your funds are available.