Reverse Consolidation
About Reverse Consolidation
Many businesses have done whatever it takes to survive. Don’t be embarrassed if you’ve had to take multiple cash advances and now find yourself overwhelmed and financially strapped. Business owners may experience having numerous merchant cash advances for various reasons.
Relieve yourself from financial stress. Choosing a reverse consolidation can help you to regain control of your cash flow. If you do not meet your obligations under the MCA, it may damage your business in ways that are difficult to recover from in the future.
If we think about a reverse consolidation in regards to merchant cash advances, we can see that it represents converting a merchant cash advance into a larger loan with a longer repayment period and a lower average monthly payment.
Why do businesses need Reverse Consolidation?
If you have trouble making payments on your MCAs, a Reverse Consolidation can free up much-needed cash for business operations. Our goal is to help you run your business more smoothly by lowering your payment and extending the term.
With our reverse consolidation option, Axiom Funding Solutions assists businesses with significantly improving their cash flow. Our reverse consolidation solution does not wipe the slate clean. Instead, it will alleviate the stress and pressure of juggling multiple MCA repayment schedules at once.
We can help you feel less anxious about the future! Through a reverse consolidation, your business can breathe a little easier. If your business is experiencing cash flow problems, we can lower your payments by 30 to 60%, resulting in increased cash flow to operate your business.
Who is Axiom Funding Solutions?
How can Axiom Funding Solutions help businesses with Reverse Consolidation?
Business owners can see pretty quickly when they require relief from MCA debt. It may be at this point that your business is operating at a loss. You are most likely not generating an income from your business, so you may be under pressure to slow-pay vendors or use saved money for business expenses and payroll. You may feel desperate enough to consider bankruptcy or apply for another high-interest loan to stop the bleeding. With multiple merchant cash advances, business owners can be tempted to take out more MCAs to avoid defaulting on existing balances.
If you identify with any of this, please contact our reverse consolidation experts to discuss your situation. You can free up cash flow by using our reverse consolidation to take care of your business expenses and move forward.
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When your company is considering defaulting on a merchant cash advance or bankruptcy or enduring a lack of cash flow that halts your ability to meet your obligations, it could be time to consider and apply for a reverse consolidation solution. Free up cash flow so you can move forward without the detrimental impact of defaulting on an MCA or filing bankruptcy.